Robert Durrette

More than a decade as an entrepreneur with a passion for unique, customer-focused experiences.

Veteran help desk, sales CRM, e-commerce and process expert. Enjoys finding efficiency gains that don't sacrifice personal touch. Expertise in CPG and SaaS.

When not consulting, Robert is the owner of D&D Brewery, Lodge and Restaurant. He was also an original founder of Farmers First Coffee Company which was acquired in 2021 after a successful exit.


We are a consulting + services agency

We're dedicated to helping your company deepen its relationship with your customers.

Fast growth is awesome. But...

We believe in providing the kind of support that's so good your customers will tell their friends about it. The problem? As your business grows, so does the difficulty of maintaining close relationships with your customers.

Our role is clear:

We help you overcome this challenge by providing the knowledge, the software, and the plan you need to make your company's customers happier—and your lifetime value metric soar.


Why "Ridgeline?"

Several years ago, on a conference call, a client remarked to Robert that his work was going to, “really take our customer service to another level. With these tools, we can 'reach the top.'"

A lightbulb went off in Robert’s head: as someone who loves hiking, Robert knew that the goal of most hikers is to reach a mountain’s peak 🗻 .

While that always sounds nice—much like in hiking—a company’s true goal is never to reach the top. Why? Because in business, the idea isn’t to reach a goal, then quit and climb back down.

Instead, a company needs to reach the metaphorical “Ridgeline” of a mountain so that its leaders can continue their journey with a full view of everything around them—unencumbered by anything blocking their view or holding back their progress.

Ready to Climb to the Ridgeline?